====== Enabling/Disabling Features ====== Icinga 2 provides configuration files for some commonly used features. These are installed in the **/etc/icinga2/features-available** directory and can be enabled and disabled using the **icinga2 feature enable** and **icinga2 feature disable** [[unattended_installations:cli_command|CLI commands]], respectively. The **icinga2 feature enable** CLI command creates symlinks in the **/etc/icinga2/features-enabled** directory which is included by default in the example configuration file. You can view a list of enabled and disabled features: # icinga2 feature list Disabled features: api command compatlog debuglog graphite icingastatus ido-mysql ido-pgsql livestatus notification perfdata statusdata syslog Enabled features: checker mainlog notification Using the **icinga2 feature enable** command you can enable features: # icinga2 feature enable graphite Enabling feature graphite. Make sure to restart Icinga 2 for these changes to take effect. You can disable features using the **icinga2 feature disable** command: # icinga2 feature disable ido-mysql livestatus Disabling feature ido-mysql. Make sure to restart Icinga 2 for these changes to take effect. Disabling feature livestatus. Make sure to restart Icinga 2 for these changes to take effect. The **icinga2 feature enable** and **icinga2 feature disable** commands do not restart Icinga 2. You will need to restart Icinga 2 using the init script after enabling or disabling features.