This article describes how you can update an existing precreated Debian or Ubuntu template. ===== Creating/configuring a temporary container ===== - Create a container based on the template you want to update. for this you can use the GUI. - Then enter the asked values and start your container. ===== Updating ===== - Login in the Proxmox node where the VPS was created. - Check your container's ID (check CTID column) with the following command: # vzlist - Enter the container: # vzctl enter [CTID] - Configure the repositories. - Update metadata and install updates: # apt-get update && apt-get upgrade - Cleanup: # apt-get clean && apt-get autoclean - Clean unused log files, .bash_history etc, then exit from a container: # exit - Stop a container. ===== Packing a new template cache ===== To complete this task you can create a new tarball: # cd /var/lib/vz/private/[CTID] # tar --numeric-owner -czf /var/lib/vz/template/cache/debian-7.8-mininal-i386.tar.gz . Where [CTID] is the container's ID. Another way is backup your container using the GUI and move the backup file to /var/lib/vz/template/cache/. Remember select the compression method: //GZIP (good)// and Mode: //stop//.